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The Whistling Kettle Provides Great Gifts For the Festive Season

The Festive Season in India is celebrated with much pomp and grandeur. Exchange of gifts during this time is a common practice. Sweets and dry fruits had always been the favored options as gifts. But, if you want to gift something exclusive to your loved ones, you can have a look at what Sailesh Sarda and Bonisha Sharma Sarda, the masterminds behind the slice of Darjeeling in Kolkata, THE WHISTLING KETTLE has to offer this Season. They are offering Hampers of assorted goodies, consisting of a Nathmull’s Tea pack, a bottle of Rose Water, a Charcoal & French Clay Soap bar and a De-tan Ubtan face pack. Along with that, there are beautiful tea sets, teapots and silverwares on offer.

What: Seasonal Gifts
Address: 23/3, Gariahat Road, near Mouchak Sweets, Golpark, Kolkata-
Timings: Monday (12 Noon to 10 PM)
Tuesday – Sunday (9 AM to 10 PM)

Price Range: 600-5100/-
Red teaset-1950/-
Black teapots- 2180/-
Tea pots- 600/-
Silverware- 5100/-
(The teapots and tea sets are available throughout the year.)