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Post It! – A Micro-Short Film

It is a zero-budget, micro-short film of a duration of 3 mins 50 seconds and is the directorial debut of Mahul Brahma. The film is shot with two iPhones and edited in iMovies by his better half Sabiya Sinha Roy.

Mahul says, “Making a film needs passion, and a lot at that, as well as discipline. I found it extremely exciting to take up a project wherein, I have to communicate to the audience my thoughts in such a short span and yet leave them with a willing suspension of disbelief. After being used to long forms, especially after finishing my second book, “Dark Luxe” and my feature film, I decided to make “Post It!” to create something in an entirely new form.”


With the receding attention span and patience of the audience, any format of creativity needs to find a channel wherein it will be able to reach out to their mind-space, in little or no time, and leave them with a willing suspension of disbelief or just a nagging thought.

The plot came to the director’s mind in mid-air and he wrote the first draft on a boarding pass on his way to Kolkata. After several rounds of revisions and creative arguments and six-months later, he and Sabiya, finally decided to make the film in a micro-short format.


The storyline is unique. It is a love story, where two lovers separated by death, find a unique way to communicate – through Post-Its. This film captures a day in their life over a fight on which film they will watch together – François Truffaut’s Shoot the Piano Player or Akira Kurosawa’s Rashomon. The twist in the fight is that the girl only responds via Post-Its. The movie is shot primarily from the girl’s PoV. The guy reads the response/arguments on the Post-Its and responds to her directly. The twist in the tale is when one realises, one of them is dead and they use Post-Its to communicate and stay together just as they used to when they were alive.

Awards and recognitions