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‘Under The Table And Dreaming’ for 3-6 Year Old

It took only 45 minutes to teleport children around 3-6 years of age to enter an imaginary, fascinating and self-created world whilst their mothers could comfortably shop or spend time with friends.  This spacious cool Doodle Room encourages children’s creativity through the use of leaves, sponges, ice-cream sticks, stones, bindis etc. These creative sessions by ThinkArts were held from 3rd -7th May, 11am to 6pm.

ThinkArts had provided a creative space for children to explore and interact and to look and listen, to crawl and lie down in, and touch different textures and objects. They were free to crawl under tables, to play with jute textures hanging, shiny paper cutouts, woven leaves and wall hangings waiting to be touched, felt and discovered.

What the children appeared to love was the area where they could lie down and see a painting of Van Gough, listen to music and the sound of water “imagining a leaf as a lollipop”. At the end of the session when the mothers came to collect their kids they were surprised that there were no physical products to view at the end of the session. However, what they noticed was that their children were happy, enthused and could not stop talking about their wonderful experiences here.

The Doodle Room is a space with an inherent atmosphere for creative thinking, learning, experience and practice, managed by co-directors Shalini Burman & Suman Sarawgi. Located opposite the Hazra Law College, it provides a multi-facility venue in Kolkata to meet with an array of different needs for children and young adults as well as the art community. It is also an ideal venue for theme-birthday parties, special workshops, rehearsals, exhibitions and artist pre-views.

ThinkArts was founded in December 2013 to facilitate high quality, transformative arts events for children and young adults.

If you’d like to share an idea that you might have, or want to be a part of their team, send your email to info@thinkarts.co.in [1]