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Savor the Traditional Bengali Cuisine with Campo Viejo Tempranillo & Blanco

The pandemic has changed the way we live, think, and eat. Instead of the weekly jaunt to the bars and restaurants, weekend dinners with our loved ones have become a ritual. Now that the pandemic has changed everything we considered ‘normal’, why should these intimate dinners follow the age-old adage? The preconceived notion of food and wine pairings also follows the same though process.

Food and wine pairings are all about matching the flavor intensity and weight. There is no right or wrong; if you are willing to experiment with your pairs, you can be rest assured that no rules are broken. By leveraging the special qualities of Campo Viejo Tempranillo and Campo Viejo Tempranillo Blanco to inject life into a selection of appetizers and mains, you can make your evening as delectable and fresh as the wine.

• From wraps to baked dishes, kebabs to bruschetta and phyllo-filled creations to canapés of all kinds, appetizers have a variety of flavors and textures. The varying taste of these tiny creations best accentuates the velvety texture of the ruby-red Campo Viejo Tempranillo and does not impose its subtle fruity notes on our taste buds.

• The delicate flavors of the sea compliment Campo Viejo Tempranillo very well, particularly crab claws, mussels, and oysters. The zing of the famous Prawn Cocktails can also be called a formidable pair with this fruity red. Other confections such as phyllo pastry filled with Shrimp Malai Curry and Kaffir Lime Chicken do equal justice to the wine.

• As the evening inches towards the mains, where a glass of red might seem like the obvious choice, a chilled Campo Viejo Tempranillo Blanco, a vibrant white wine, can prove to be a great companion to a juicy Paella, Asparagus Risotto or a Baked Bekti. The traditional zingy flavor of the Indian main courses which comes from spices like star anise, fennel, cardamom, cumin and coriander, longs for Campo Viejo Tempranillo Blanco to augment its character. Its fruity, flavor with an after taste of vanilla and subtle spices makes a statement and can be savored over a long evening as the courses unfold.

The whole idea of food and wine pairing must now become a matter of your own taste and preference. The spicier overlay of Indian cuisine becomes a challenge and adds an interesting take on pairing the right flavors of a Kosha Mutton with a Rioja white, while a Fish Fry or a Galda Prawn Curry can be a solid companion to Rioja red. Our recommendation is to change the narrative and to enjoy pairing your white and red wines without too many pre-set approaches.