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From Page to Stage − Lagnajita Mukhopadhyay @ American Center Library

The American Center Library was crowded with all present listening to Lagnajita Mukhopadhyay as she read some of her poems from the book “This is Our War”. It was a Wednesday, mid-week, January 4th, yet all interested found time to listen and interact with Lagnajita discussing her journey as a writer. It was an event hosted by the US Consulate in Kolkata and a wonderful experience listening to her read her poetry, especially because she was Nashville, Tennessee’s, First Youth Poet Laureate. A Bengali-American writer, Lagnajita’s poems celebrate life. As she read her poem all present could sense her words aiming towards human challenges making us think and question ourselves. She represented the voice of the youth, talking about important global issues and weaving this into beautiful poetic language recited in lyrical tones. In addition, we learned that Lagnajita also plays five instruments and writes and records music. It was an enchanting evening spent at the US Center.