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Get Your Very Own Beautiful Paresh Maity Work at Gallery K2

Paresh Maity’s art is vivid and captures the reality of places, moments and emotions. The viewer feels a thirst for his art and is fascinated by its incredible technical proficiency, extreme grace and versatility. Here is an artist who works on his art: constantly tinkering with new ways to produce it but figuring out exactly what he wants to achieve. Each painting is a journey and he has only a very slight idea of where those journeys will end. Looking at Maity’s works, one feels that they are expressions of the mind and heart of an extremely skilled and talented artist.

His images possess the power of exciting an interest superior to that resulting from any other effect; and which can only be obtained by a judicious selection of particular colors, and a skillful arrangement and application of them to differences moments and situations. Thus, boats on a river or the back of a woman require a soft and simple mixture of tones, calculated to produce pleasure without astonishment; awakening all manner of delightful sensations. These convey a magnificent uniformity based greatly on colors, the tones of which are deep and impressive.

Maity’s mastery over almost every single painterly medium and the depth, diversity and quality of his work is truly amazing. When an artist is beyond question a master of his craft, it is always particularly interesting to see what it is about the principles by which his art is controlled and the methods he employs in his practice. Maity’s achievements are multifaceted, at once technical, intellectual, and emotional. There is, however, more to his art than mere technical skill. His works are always infused with a highly charged mood; a kind of wonderful tremulousness. He is able to convey feelings of, say, surprise, terror, silence, melancholy, power and strength through his mastery over his chosen media and is an artist who thrills, delights and makes the viewer ponder over his works.

Maity’s works are on sale and being displayed at: Gallery K2 – Supra Court, 35 Lansdowne Terrace, Kolkata – 700026