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“Kali Puja” and “Bhai Phonta” have their kind of emotional touch in every Bengali’s life. Culture and tradition are a cardinal part of Bengalis’ life and we, Bengalis are extremely sentimental about our roots. But the appeal of Chilekotha has been gradually losing in this modernized world, in the same manner; we are losing traditions for the sake of maintaining our busy lives. The same goes for “Bhai Phonta”, the busy schedules carry on being the barrier to the joyous celebration of any traditional occasion because sparing time for the arrangements is being near to impossible.

So what’s the solution to all these?

“Chilekotha”, a retro-style restaurant located in the Dover Lane near Gariahat, has planned few Bhai Phonta special thalis, which will be available from 25th October 2019 to 31st October 2019, hence not only on the day of Bhai Phonta, but we can also relish these Thalis during Kalipuja & Diwali. The thalis range from Rs. 450/- to Rs. 920/-.

The Premium thali includes lip-smacking dishes like Mutton Chop, Lonka Bhape Murgi, Macher Dimer Bora, Kancha Lanka Dhone Patar Aloor Dom, Sorshe Ilish, Mutton Kosha, etc. The standard thali includes Goalondo steamer chicken curry, Pabdar Jhol, etc. along with other items. They have also prepared a veg thali for the ones who would want to opt for veg dishes.

The Veg Thali includes Chanar Guli Polao, Chanar Kalia, Thakurbarir Niramish Fulkopi, etc. So, if someone wants to eat only veg during Diwali and Kalipuja then, Chilekotha’s Veg Thali will be just to perfect for them to enjoy this festive season with good food.

No meal is complete without a sugary rush and this time Chilekotha has brought in a completely different “Mishti” called “Saatpuri” which is originally from Medinipur, and is sent to the groom’s house on Saatpuri Amavasya (New moon) as a token of love from the bride’s house. It is the old tradition that has been continuing for hundreds of years. Hence Chilekotha selected this sweet along with their Baked Patisapta as desserts for Bhai Phonta, as a symbol of celebrating “Subha Anusthan”.

So, don’t miss the chance to make the day special and celebrate festivities with your family with the luscious Bengali cuisine prompting the nostalgia only at “Chilekotha”.

For booking, one can contact on 98360 08522
What: Kali Puja and Bhai Phonta Special Thalis.
Where: Chilekotha, 7/2B, Dover Lane, Ballygunge, Kolkata – 700029
Timing: 12 AM – 11 PM
Price Range of the Thalis: Veg Thali – Rs. 450/-, Standard Thali – Rs. 750/- , Premium Thali – Rs. 920/-.
Tenure: 25th October, 2019 – 31st October, 2019